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March 2022

Co-Producer, Co-Reporter, Director of Photography,   Field Producer

This joint effort between Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting and Newsy reports on how Louisville’s ambitious plans to transform police relations with the Black community disintegrated to the point that, five years later, the city became a national flashpoint when officers killed Breonna Taylor in her home. The investigation reveals critical mistakes that inform the ongoing national debate over police reform. Newsy website video here.

Cochran co-produced, co-reported and was the director of photography for the 44-minute documentary. Her reporting and field production for the project also resulted in a six-episode podcast. She pitched the story in June 2020, in the early months of the pandemic after moving outside of Cincinnati to be close to family. She traveled to nearby Louisville, Ky. for months reporting, shooting video, collecting audio, developing sources, and obtaining hundreds of records. She co-wrote the script, hired freelance shooters, led video editors, motion graphics producers and hired and worked with the sound engineer and music composer.

© 2022 by Carrie Cochran. @carriecochran

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